8/19/24 It’s the party of the summer this week on WTHU as we celebrate Fensty’s one-year anniversary of joining the station. Thank you all for the support over the last year and all of the love for the show. The Afternoon Express has been fun, energetic, intense and accompanied by the greatest music ever created. Fensty is blessed for all of you who tune in and ride the afternoon express on the radio from 3-6pm Monday-Friday. It’s been a blast and we will be blasting the greatest tracks from the 50s, 60s & 70s. Without all of YOU listening, we wouldn’t be here so thank you for being great friends of the show. The exact anniversary is Wednesday the 21st and it’s been an amazing 365 days. 

6/24/24 The summer stretch continues and after having an awesome time playing name that tune at the Thurmont Fireman’s Carnival on Friday, let’s talk about our favorite summer songs. These songs hit hard when the sun is shining, the heat is up and the drinks are flowing! For our Fensty Facebook question this week, I’ll want to hear from YOU about some of your favorite songs you’d like to hear on Cool Oldies 1450. Expect a lot of Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, and generally happy songs to keep you in a good mood throughout the week from 3-6pm. 

6/17/24  The Summer season themes continue on Fensty In The Afternoon and after covering favorite summer foods and activities, this week we’re going to talk about which drinks quench our thirst in the summertime and you’ll be able to give your favorite drinks for the Fensty Facebook question of the week. We’ll incorporate songs that involve drinking everything from water to your favorite beverages. You’ll also get a chance to meet Fensty at the Thurmont Fireman’s Carnival this Friday evening. Stop by and say hello on Friday but until then, tune in from 3-6pm all week long for your afternoon music express. 

6/20/24 It’s summer time and the weather is surely fine and we’re maxing and relaxing and trying to stay cool and hydrated and Fensty In The Afternoon is bringing out the summer drinks and that will be a major theme of the week. Let’s start summer the right way by playing a lot of summer-themed music and getting our tans on. We’ll venture to the beach, talk about the sun, heat and Fensty In The Afternoon will be on fire all week from 3-6pm. The Fensty Facebook question of the week will surround your favorite summer drinks. Special shoutouts for all who respond!

5/20/24 Get out your quarters and get ready to spend them on fried dough as it’s Carnival Week on Fensty In The Afternoon where we’ll talk about our favorite carnival activities while listening to the greatest music ever created. Wednesday’s Fensty Facebook Question will ask YOU what your favorite part of a Carnival is. We’ll take a look at the best food at a carnival, the best games and prizes as we get ready for all of the carnivals taking place in Frederick County and the surrounding areas. Take a wild ride on the fast and energized Fensty In The Afternoon show from 3-6pm on WTHU.

4/29/24 Coming off the Thurmont Business Expo, a big feeling I had being there was one of being helpful. We all want to help each other grow, succeed and win and that’s why Cool Oldies 1450 exists. We want to help you by providing you with the greatest entertainment and music in the nation and we made sure on Saturday that we gave the local businesses in Thurmont a platform to raise awareness about the impact they make in our community and how we can help. That’s what it’s all about! We have to be there for each other and that’s why we will be playing a lot of classic oldies about the concept of helping. Helping others to win in life is what makes life great. 

4/15/24 It’s tax week on Fensty In The Afternoon and being that we all just lost a little weight in our bank account, we’re playing songs about taxes and money throughout the week. We’ll talk about things we’ve always wanted to buy but haven’t but someday, we’ll get that item(s). We’ll be rocking the Catoctins and continue to manifest the Heat as we go through Spring. 

4/8/24 I didn’t want it to have to get to this, but the cold weather just won’t leave. It’s staying around like a cockroach on the ground. It doesn’t go away so it’s time through the POWER of MUSIC for us to make it go away. I normally wait until late spring to celebrate the heat, but now we have to manifest it! We have to speak it into existence so we can have a nice warm spring and we’re playing songs about the heat and nice weather. Be prepared for a lot of Beach Boys as you always should because they’re awesome! It’s time to put our jackets away and play outside and enjoy the world around us and Fensty In The Afternoon is turning up the heat from 3-6pm on WTHU. 

3/25/24 It’s opening week all over the world! Opening first week of high school baseball coverage on WTHU and the REAL opening week to the MLB season. The big theme of the week will be baseball and just how great America’s pastime truly is. We’ll talk about our favorite foods to eat at the ballpark, memories from past baseball games and our favorite things about being at a baseball game. The music selection will have a bit of a sporty feel to it as we all keep our heads in the game so we can take down another week of work and life. Win every day! Even small victories make a big impact!

3/18/24  With the weather being as crazy as it’s been over the last couple of weeks, this week’s theme of Fensty In The Afternoon is “Hot or Cold?” Throughout the week, we’ll go over what classic oldies songs we’re hot about and love to hear and that’s where you come in. Tuesday, for the Fensty Facebook Question of the Week, we want to know what your all-time favorite classic oldies tracks are. We’ll be playing songs that have the theme of hot or cold in them as well and as Spring continues to spring up, we’re appreciating all of the great outdoor activities we can do to put us in a good mood and help create the best versions of ourselves in 2024. 

2/26/24 It’s leap year week on Fensty In The Afternoon and we’re celebrating because we only get to once every four years. We’re continuing to become the best versions of ourselves by listening to the greatest music ever created and going deeper to play songs you don’t hear as often on the radio. Take the leap of faith and try new things. Do something that you haven’t in a long time and we’ll keep each other inspired and motivated along the way to win the day because the WTHU Radio family sticks together and wins together. We’re talkin’ music, sports and more on the show that never bores Fensty In The Afternoon from 3-6pm ET on WTHU.

2/19/24  It may be a shorter work week for most with President’s Day on Monday, but Fensty In The Afternoon takes no lunch breaks and Justin ‘Fensty’ Fensterman is rocking the airwaves with all of you. After our Beatles tribute a few weeks ago, Fensty got bit by the Beatle bug and now you will hear Beatles tracks from time to time throughout the week. Fensty is giving advice and playing encouraging tracks to get you ready for spring.   Still hanging onto your New Years resolutions? We have to hold strong as Fensty has a mission to change his way of living and that change is healthier and we have to fight through all of life’s challenges to make sure we win. Winning the day is the constant goal and staying focused and happy is the other and the perfect blend that serves as a blueprint to success is by listening to the greatest music ever created from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Fensty In The Afternoon rocks the Catoctin’s with all of YOU all week long from 3-6p ET. Fensty will be focusing on some of the greatest life hacks on our Cool Oldies 1450 facebook page. Do you know how to get rid of a brain freeze instantly? Fensty has that info for you among other life hacks on Cool Oldies 1450 WTHU.

2/5/24   ‘Fensty’ Fensterman will be turning 37 and wants to celebrate with all of YOU. Get ready to hear some dance and party music throughout the week on Fensty In The Afternoon from 3-6p. If there’s anything Fensty wants for his birthday this year, it’s getting to entertain everyone and put them in a good mood to win the night. We’ll also be getting ready for the Super Bowl as well between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. A good mix of partying, sports and good energy coming your way from your best friend in a traffic jam, Fensty In The Afternoon on WTHU.

1/29/24  Have you seen and felt this weather recently?! It’s been horribly inconsistent and with us experiencing every season over the last few weeks, the Four Seasons are invading the soundwaves on Fensty In The Afternoon this week and we’ll give tips on how to not get sick and stay healthy throughout these wild weather changes so we can continue winning every day. We’ll have the Fensty Facebook Question of the week posted on the Cool Oldies 1450 Facebook page for you to comment on regarding things YOU do to make sure you don’t get sick. Having regular romantic evenings with your significant other counts as a remedy! We’re staying in shape, at 100 percent and spinning the greatest music ever created on Fensty In The Afternoon from 3-6pm on the greatest oldies station in the NATION, Cool Oldies 1450 WTHU.